Airfield Lighting


Airfield Lighting

There are many different systems available regarding runway lighting, the lighting system that is required is dependent on the category of the airfield, whether it be CATI, CATII, CATIII.  

Runway Edge lights, On Instrument lights, Runway centreline lighting & Touchdown Zone (TDZ). There are also categories of lighting intensity, high-intensity (HIRL), medium-intensity (MIRL) or low-intensity (LIRL) these are designed to meet different criteria of international standards. 

Proper selection and installation of the correct intensity of light, lighting location and any required changes are a priority of North Star Electrical services. We strictly adhere to the Canadian Aviation Regulations and Standards (CARs) to meet or exceed the requirements of Transport Canadas TP312 5th edition. 

New installations, upgrading existing infrastructure or maintaining the lighting system you currently have in place, North Star Electrical services will work with you to determine the best solution for your individual scenario. 

Taxiway Lighting

Aircraft movement around the taxiways and aprons at night or in poor visibility is made possible by taxiway / apron edge lighting.  

Taxiway edge lighting fixtures, blue in color are utilised to mark the edges of the pavement. Double amber fixtures are used to inform pilots that they are exiting the apron and entering active taxiway / runway.

Edge Lighting

Edge lighting can also be installed to denote the limits of aprons, parking areas, hard standings, servicing areas and other designated paved areas. Generally, this type of lighting would be elevated, but where manoeuvring is difficult it is likely to be inset. 

Threshold Lighting

Threshold lights indicate the start of the usable part of the runway and dependent on the scale or category of the runway comprise two elements. Firstly a bar of inset lights at the start of the runway, and secondly two wing bars outboard of the runway edge.  

All threshold lights show green light into the approach.

Runway End lighting

Runway end lights signify the end of the usable runway. They show red light in the direction of aircraft landing or taking off, and denote the extremity of the usable runway for landing, manoeuvring or take off .

North Star Electrical Services - Airfield Lighting
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